“Go Green” Printing

Environmentally friendly Go Green printing

As a company, we have choices about how we do business. When it comes to our impact on the environment, we choose to be as responsible as possible.

Through our Go Green Printing solution, we have the choice to use environmentally-friendly papers, inks, coatings, and curing processes. We pass these choices on to all of our clients for their printing needs.

Many of our clients have told us that they care about environmentally friendly solutions throughout their business.

We’re proud to offer this process and empower them to show their customers and clients a true commitment to the environment:

  • Recycled paper
  • Recycled inks
  • Soy (or other agriculturally-derived) inks and coatings
  • L.E.D. curing processes

Every print job we do for ourselves -business cards, letterheads, greeting cards, posters, etc.- are all printed with our “Go Green” options. When you order your printed items from us, we will automatically use these eco-friendly options unless you request otherwise.

It is our goal to provide you with the best quality printed items possible at the low price you expect.

Environmental Impact

  • Offset inks are made with renewable materials, including soy. Low in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
  • Digital inks have NO Volatile Organic Compounds. Meet demands of EN71, Part 3.
  • Large format inks have extremely low Volatile Organic Compounds. S.C.A.Q.M.D. compliant.
  • Paper are a composite of post-consumer fiber, recycled paper, and tree material from sustainably managed forests.
  • Waste products are recycled including our paper, inks, solvents, and metal plates!

All of our “go green” options are offered at no additional cost.

If you are ready to get your next print job started, contact us today!
